I like computers so old that you can't use them without reading multiple manuals (joke). Here's what I'm up to (reading past this point is strictly speaking optional!).
What extremely little programming knowledge I *do* have is limited almost entirely to archaic forms of BASIC that are so old, they're typically best used with in-code line numbers! That said, I have, earmarked somewhere, a different Issue from the linked one in the first post, on QMK's Github, which tells me what I need to know to blunder my way through what has to be done to QMK for this particular task. I can sort of read C/C++ and Arduino code, but I've essentially no knowledge of writing it. I have essentially near-zero experience programming in Arduino - or, for that matter, anything else of significance.
This will be in two sections - one, why QMK is vastly preferable here ) and two, what I'm actually doing.